Summer makes FC Bayern despair, Antony before transfer: Have a say on Twitch!

What you have to read here and in this thread is very abstruse.
“Please let Bayern play in the Super League! It’s all just unfair!”
First of all, Bayern were (and are) against the Super League. That makes all “Please, let Bayern play in the Super League” arguments null and void. Voluntarily you will definitely not take part in a possible Super League so quickly and the DFL does not have a realistic handle to exclude FC Bayern in the future anyway. Such an exclusion would not stand up to any jurisdiction in Germany unless the people of Munich would regularly move roughly in the illegal area in the future – which is certainly not to be expected…
The championship title (the championship) is rightly referred to by many as the “fairest title”, since you have to perform strongly and as consistently as possible over the entire season. If Bayern Munich finishes first with a 20-point lead at the end of the regular season, but then loses the game in the decisive KO championship game with many injury-related absences or bad luck, then nobody can really be happy about this very unfair outcome!?

  • Bayern buys the competition broken

The Bavarians certainly only buy the players they hope will help them to achieve their sporting goals. Or those that they hope to add as a potential reinforcement, or if that doesn’t work, to be able to sell them again at a profit. Recent examples are certainly Chris Richards, Tanguy Nianzou or Omar Richards. Some spin here again a real conspiracy theory. There are numerous sporting reasons why it is wise to first look around in the same league: The players already know the league, speak the language, already know the culture and customs, regular observation, very good performance assessment (partly in direct duels) possible and the contact it’s usually much easier…
However, the fact that not every player who was bought or signed for a free transfer ultimately made it through to Bayern is just as normal as it is at any other club. However, this happens with transfers from competitors as well as with transfers from the Bundesliga or abroad.
