‘Something has happened in the private sphere’

Peter Gillis is indeed the 60-year-old man who was arrested at the end of May at his holiday park in Ommen. He previously denied this and sent out a self-invented ‘code red’, but now confesses.

© Friso Keuris

A week and a half ago, Shownieuws broke the news that Peter Gillis was arrested on May 29 for assaulting his girlfriend Nicol Kremers and subsequently spent a night in jail. With a blow to the arm, because initially the Public Prosecution Service always keeps itself silent about the identity of suspects.

Code red

The Public Prosecution Service only wanted to say that a 60-year-old man had been arrested at Peter’s holiday park in Ommel. In addition, they referred to the suspect’s lawyer: Ton van de Biezenbos. Peter is 60 years old and his lawyer is the same Ton. That can’t be a coincidence, the show media thought, but Peter and Nicol really denied in all keys.

Peter denied not only that he assaulted his girlfriend, but that he is the 60-year-old man arrested by the police. Just like his girlfriend Nicol, he therefore brought out the ‘code red’ they devised themselves, which is intended for when the media reports about them are absolutely wrong.

Peter admits

Now, a week and a half later, Peter admits that it is indeed about him. “Mr Gillis and his partner Nicol regret that a private incident in May this year led to the involvement of the police,” say his lawyer. “No report has been filed, and criminal prosecution is therefore taking place against the will of all involved.”

“At the request of the defense, there must first be more clarity by hearing a witness. This request has already been granted by the court. The case will therefore not be heard substantively on 12 August. It is not yet known when it comes to a new session.”

Credibility gone

The bizarre thing about Peter’s initial denial is that it would turn out to be about him anyway, because he has to appear in court. “To say this so bluntly… Then we will of course never believe anything such a man says”, Bart Ettekoven, the editor-in-chief of the Weekend, said earlier.

Now that Peter’s legend has come true, his credibility is indeed gone, according to showbiz connoisseurs. For example, Yvonne Coldeweijer says: “If you lie once, we will never believe you again. With your media code. Embarrassing say.”

The juice channel Juice Channel: Well, then they can finally stop with that k*t code red, because it won’t help if you’re lying.”

And Rob Goossens: “That self-invented ‘code red’ doesn’t sound like shit. We know that again.”

Code red

Peter initially also denied his arrest against his own employer Talpa. As a result, the cooperation between the two parties will inevitably come under pressure.

Talpa says for the time being: “There is no point in speculating now. We won’t know more until Nicol makes a statement to the examining magistrate later this month. Let’s be especially careful with judgments until the facts are clear.”
