Police on May 1 in Berlin with 6,300 officers on duty

From BZ/dpa

The police are gearing up with 6,300 officers for the demonstrations on May 1 in Berlin, as the BZ previously reported and the police have now confirmed.

The forces from the capital received support from several federal states, including Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia, said a police spokesman on Saturday.

According to the spokesman, the number of emergency services is within the usual range. Last year it was a little less with 5500.

Around May Day there are usually several left-wing or radical left-wing demonstrations in Berlin. 10,000 to 15,000 people are expected in Neukölln and Kreuzberg this year for the evening of Labor Day. Already on Sunday evening, the eve of May 1st, two left-wing demonstrations are taking place in Wedding and Kreuzberg.

“New Year’s Eve 2.0”

This year, the left-wing autonomous scene is trying to persuade young people in Neukölln to take part in the demonstration and possible riots, police chief Barbara Slowik said on Friday. There are posters with the inscription “New Year’s Eve 2.0” – apparently a reference to the riots on New Year’s Eve with attacks on rescue workers.

The organizers of the traditional left-wing demonstration on May 1 wrote: “We wish the coming CDU/SPD coalition in Berlin many media-effective scandals before their quick end. We will contribute to this on May 1st.” The new police station directly at the Kottbusser Tor in Kreuzberg is likely to become a hotspot.

Since 1987 there have been repeated violence by left-wing autonomists and street battles with the police at evening events and demonstrations in Kreuzberg on May 1st. In 2022, the demonstration march with more than 10,000 participants reached Oranienplatz without any major incidents, where there were minor clashes with the police.
