In executive coaching processes, a worrying issue is the brain drain. Let us bear in mind that today, 7 out of 10 (71%) Argentine workers want to quit their jobs, according to a survey carried out by Bumeran during 2022. These indicators lead me to analyze the state of mind in companies and the much feared harassment labor. Workplace violence is just around the corner, but we rarely dare to name it. This harassment, also known as “mobbing”, is a specific type of harassment in reference to habitual behaviors within the workplace that, as a whole, cause a situation of psychological violence against a person, violating their dignity.
How does it manifest?
Discrimination: hide information, block access to facilities that other employees do have.
IsolationIgnore, restrict or prohibit communication between co-workers, managers or clients through various means of communication, not reporting events, appointments or training, not assigning tasks or assigning tasks below the corresponding functions, putting the health of others at risk the person or assign him tasks that go against his principles.
work overload
blameApart from not recognizing their work, devaluing what the person does, humiliating them in front of their peers for who they are or for how they carry out their tasks, maliciously attributing mistakes, dramatizing mistakes they have made.
Lack of respect: insults, shouting, physical and verbal aggression, threats.
Professional and/or personal defamation both inside and outside the office. The spread of rumors, insinuations, jokes about personal or professional life such as “La negra”, “El viejo”, “La gorda”, “Este infeliz”, el trolo”, la atorranta, etc.
Red flags also appear in job interviews:
Who did you vote for in the elections?
What religion do you profess?
Would you get pregnant?
Do you have a husband?
Got kids?
Not denouncing these situations and exposing them to the system, what boils is not covered. In mooving and bullying, the mistreatment is sustained because there are silent witnesses who generally do not speak out of fear, fear of damaging their public image or losing their job. WE DON’T LET IT GO, it’s not too late and the damage has become expansive. The first thing is to name it, then work with the protagonists and especially with the silent witnesses. Deinstituting abuse is a group process. A healthy work environment is not built by putting free snacks or fruit for breakfast, nor on “casual” Fridays, it is based on instilling respect, promoting acceptance and legitimization of the other as such. The culture of a company is built with conversations that occur in it, listening to them gives us a thermometer of the company’s health.TAKING CARE OF OURSELVES AND OUR ENVIRONMENT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY.