“My prosthesis moves, what can I do?”

Previously, the only option for the edentulous was a denture, but now there are dental implants. An implant is a titanium screw that replaces the root of a missing tooth. We offer patients two treatments: one consists of the placement of eight implants and twelve porcelain crowns, which are cemented on top of the implants to obtain a fixed solution. Due to the complexity of the treatment, its cost is high. The second option involves the placement of four implants, on which a metal bar is built that supports the prosthesis through a pressure grip system. This treatment is very popular in our clinic, as it restores the patient’s smile and the ability to eat and speak without difficulties.

“How do celebrities get white teeth?”

To have a bright smile, there are several options that depend on the person. If the patient’s teeth are well aligned, but the color bothers them, whitening can be performed. If the teeth are badly positioned, we have three options: orthodontics, veneers or crowns. The first is the least invasive and the most recommended, although some patients do not choose it because it lasts for years and can be painful. Veneers are a popular option, since in three sessions the patient obtains a completely new and perfect smile. The treatment consists of making a small abrasion on the front of the tooth and creating a porcelain sheet that covers the tooth and gives it the desired size and color. Crowns are an excellent option when you have to make major corrections in the position of the teeth. The dental elements are worn on all their faces and a porcelain sheath is created that covers them, restoring aesthetics and function to the tooth. Crowns are also made of porcelain like veneers, ensuring that treatment is problem-free in the future.

“Is tooth loss hereditary?”

No, tooth loss is due to inadequate dental hygiene. We teach our patients the correct brushing technique and recommend a cleaning every year to prevent tooth loss.

What can I do if I have a broken or chipped tooth?

In our practice, we take an x-ray to be able to assess the depth of the cavity and determine the cause. The causes can be dental caries or trauma, and the treatment will depend on the depth of the lesion. If the cavity has reached the nerve, a root canal will be needed. If it is a superficial lesion, an operation will be performed. If the lesion has reached the bone, it is likely that the tooth will have to be extracted and an implant placed. We recommend that the population visit the dentist at least once a year to detect any dental problem early and avoid more expensive treatments in the future.

Od. Olmedo Juliet


Address: Bv.San Juan67–PB “D”–Córdoba, Argentina





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