Mentalist Pete Poskiparta and Sami Kurosta were thought to be a gay couple

The novelty book recalls the early years of friendship between mentalist and magician Pete Poskiparra and radio host Sami Kuronen.

Pete Poskiparta and Sami Kuronen became friends Living in the same apartment building. FAN PARMA / IL

Fresh Pete Cheekbeard – Man and Mind –the book goes through the life of a mentalist known to the whole nation. Pete the Cheekbeard studied for a while at a business school in Turku. However, he wasn’t interested enough in studying, so he moved back to Uusikaupunki, where he had spent his childhood. He lived in the same apartment building on Vakka-Suomenkatu Sami Kuronenand the two became friends with each other.

Both were interested in music and entertainment. From the beginning, the glue of the friendship between the young DJ and the youth magician was a similar sense of humor. Poskiparta and Kuronen held long movie marathons and hung out in one of the bachelor’s boxes.

Very soon, the two spent all their free time together: at the grocery store, the purchases were collected in the same cart and meals were shared together at one of the other’s homes. The friendship deepened so quickly and so strikingly that rumors of a gay couple soon began to circulate in the city. In the backward atmosphere of the 90s, it aroused astonishment and even horror throughout the villages.

“However, let it be emphasized that there was nothing romantic between us. Although those rumors were really funny. I guess we just threw more slush on the stove when we heard about them”Sami Kuronen says in the book.

The bachelors each found their own direction in life. Kuronen, who earned money in his father’s car repair shop, began to focus more strongly on radio work. Poskiparta, who lived on social benefits, says that it was from Sami Kurose that he heard the decisive words that made the card-playing young man aim for the profession of a magician.

The book Pete Poskiparta – Mies ja mieli, written by Päivi Sappinen and published by, was published on August 17, 2023.
