Medical intervention plan announced after children suffer heat stroke in Koekelare

Medical intervention plan announced after children suffer heat stroke in Koekelare

It concerns members of Chiro Meerle from Hoogstraten, who are at camp in the Ichtegemstraat. The heat of today was ultimately too heavy for sixteen young people. They were taken to three hospitals with a heat stroke. It concerns girls between ten and twelve years old. The medical intervention plan was announced for a while, but in the end no one was in mortal danger.

Heatstroke is a severe form of sunstroke. The children had a raised temperature and were not feeling well. Some ambulances arrived at half past six at the chiro rooms to get the temperature of the children down.

In consultation with the parents, it has been decided to stop the chiro camp. A MUG team will remain on site for a while for the follow-up.
