Maitena: the women of my life

“One day making cartoons I achieved international fame, nominations among countries and translations in 12 languages. Then my mother tells me: ‘And when are you going to paint?’ I tell him: ‘I don’t paint pictures, I make little drawings in magazines’. ‘Are you ever going to exhibit in an art gallery?’, she asked me. These days walking through these corridors and seeing those huge rooms dedicated to my work, I say: Polish, I hope you see a little! maitena to the public of Kirchner Cultural Center.

Maitena Burundarena In more than three decades of work, she developed an intense reflection on the contemporary feminine universe. The exhibition refers to that enormous look of hers that consecrated her as the great promoter of humor with a feminist perspective. The sample “Maitena. The women of my lifecurated by Lilian Viola and assembly design by Alejandro Ros, are a reflection of the artist’s visual work that can be visited from Wednesday to Sunday, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

With free admission, it is the first retrospective exhibition of the cartoonist, an icon of Argentine culture and an inescapable reference point for Latin American graphic humor. Present at the inauguration was the Minister of Culture, Tristan Bauer and, the coordinator of Planning and Programming of the Kirchner Cultural Center, Liliana Pineiro.

“Maitena proposed that Lili Viola, who is part of the Kirchner team, be her curator, who did an incredible job. This is how this challenge began, which was to also achieve a retrospective exhibition, giving an account of all his production and generating installations to enter his world but not displaying his books. You are going to see that you are going to enter the Maitena world”, she clarified the CCK holder.


Before the opening ceremony, Maitena made a special guided tour for the press, touring the rooms “Altered Women, Overcome and Dangerous Curves”, and the space “In underwear” dedicated to showing the elements that are part of his production: sketches, previous annotations and the replica of his work table.

He also recognized the support of the public throughout his career: “My readers were superwomen in my life, all of them because everything that happened happened thanks to them. Thanks to the fact that they felt identified, they laughed, and that back and forth between them and me made me dare to tell more and more things until I dared to tell everything.

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