Light of your eyes 2, fifth episode: previews and plot

THE mysteries of Light of your eyes 2 are about to be revealed. In the fifth and penultimate installment of the series, airing tonight at 9.45pm on Channel 5the plot is reversed once again. Petra is in danger, perhaps even Enrico, while Emma must understand what binds Roberto to Novak.

Light of your eyes 2previews of the fifth episode

Emma Conti (Anna Valle) is still shocked by what happened to Roberto (Luca Bastianello). The brother, following the accident, is hospitalized and is unconscious. So there’s no way of knowing why he wanted to meet Petra Novak (Francesca Cavallin). Meanwhile, Emma begins to suspect that he’s in some serious trouble.

The promo shows one scene in which the Étoile reflects: “I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but my brother knows something they’re willing to kill her for”. Not being able to get answers from the person concerned, he goes to Petra’s house. «My brother was run over», he tells her, «he was coming to you». Her request for clarification falls on deaf ears, since Novak’s trusted right-hand man, Armando (Massimiliano Franciosa), sends her away.

Meanwhile Enrico (Giuseppe Zeno) continues to research Petra’s account. Armando communicates this to the woman, suggesting that she leave the city. «Emma Conti and that professor are asking a lot of questions. You and Diana have to go away”He says.

Petra and Diana leave Vicenza, Emma is in crisis with Enrico

Then Petra meets Enrico, who asks her to open up. “Why don’t you talk about what you’re afraid of?”he says, but who knows if the time has already come find out the whole truth about this enigmatic woman, who came out of nowhere and shuffled the cards. In the end, Petra decides to leave Vicenza and take Diana (Irene Paloma Jona) with her. She does this to protect herself and her daughter from her revelations that would put them in grave danger.

Also in the promo, Petra yells at Armando: «Leave him, leave him!». And immediately after Enrico is lying on the ground on the asphalt. Does Novak’s associate try to put the professor offside? And why? What shouldn’t she find out? Shortly after, Roberto wakes up, but has amnesia. He doesn’t remember anything that happened from when he was released from prison until the moment he was run over. Therefore, it will be difficult to find out the truth.

Giuseppe Zeno and Anna Valle in “Light of your eyes 2”. (Mediaset)

Meanwhile the relationship between Emma and Enrico is increasingly compromised. In the last episode, Emma witnessed the kiss between him and Petra. Unfortunately you are not aware of how things went and thinks the partner is having an affair with the woman. In reality, it was Novak who approached, but it doesn’t matter. “I saw you kissing Petra”, He says. And in front of the evidence it will be difficult to prove otherwise. After an avalanche of doubts and suspicions, now confirmed by the kiss, Has their story come to an end?

Filippo Contri (Jacopo), Anna Valle (Emma) and Paola Pitagora (Paola) in “Light of your eyes 2”. (Mediaset)

Light of your eyes 2Did Jacopo really kill Vicky?

In addition to the events that revolve around Emma’s private life, in Light of your eyes 2 there is another mystery to solve: the death of Vicky (Greta Malengo). The first to be accused of the murder was Diana, but shortly after she was cleared and suspicions focused on the victim’s tattoo. A star identical to that of Jacopo Bellini (Filippo Contri).

The athletic trainer becomes the prime suspect. Although he has always pleaded innocent, suddenly confesses. “I killed her, because I was afraid she would make our relationship public.” An admission of guilt, which however does not convince Emma. To support this thesis, the heated confrontation that Jacopo has with Roberto. How do they know each other?

The mystery thickens and perhaps Jacopo has been forced to take responsibility for a murder he didn’t commit because there is something even more serious underneath. Actually, in the previous episode he is approached by Armando, who throws him against the wall and threatens him. Did he force him to confess to a murder he didn’t commit? And why? Does Petra Novak have anything to do with it?

