Lewis Hamilton took a stand on the F1 protesters who rushed onto the track

The Formula Ones aim to be carbon neutral by 2030.

The police arrested seven “Just Stop Oil” activists at the Silverstone GP. PDO

F1 drivers gave their support to the protestors’ idea of ​​giving up fossil fuels. However, the means of the demonstrators to penetrate the forbidden area were not in the minds of the F1 drivers.

In a dangerous struggle, the protesters sat on the track until the track officials had to drag the activist to safety. A total of seven people were arrested from the “Just Stop Oil” activist group, which aims to protest against fossil fuels.

– I appreciate the protesters. I love that people are fighting for our planet. We need more people like them, Lewis Hamilton told for the BBC.

Mercedes continued Hamilton’s position, adding that the way the protesters were demonstrating was unacceptable.

Hamilton later wrote a request to the intruders on his Instagram story.

– Don’t rush onto the track in our races to protest. We don’t want to hurt you.

Other F1 stars agree

Silverstone GP winner Carlos Sainz was on the same lines as his rival brother.

– People have the right to express their opinion as they wish. However, I don’t think rushing on an F1 track is the best way to do it, because you put yourself and the drivers at risk. Be more careful because you can die and cause an accident.

The Spaniard also supported the idea of ​​reducing emissions and saw the F1 series as promising for the cause.

– Yes, I support the idea. F1 has already done a good job of reducing fossil fuels. The goal is to become carbon neutral by 2030, and we are pushing the series and the automotive association in the right direction.

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Came second Serio Perez commented that the protestors’ idea was good, but they should not put themselves at risk to push for their cause.

– I am sure that there is enough room for improvement in F1. We must all together set a good example for this cause.

F1 boss Stefano Domenicali thought the protest stupid and dangerous. Northhamptonshire police took the protesters into custody after the altercation.

– We offered them the opportunity to protest for their cause safely, but instead they decided to put not only themselves in danger, but also the drivers and volunteer railway officials, police chief Tom Thompson criticized the protesters.

At the first round of the Silverstone GP, the protest had to be stopped at the same time, because Alfa Romeo’s Chinese driver Guanyu Zhou crashed violently into the wall.
