The measure is full for Lee Towers. After being mocked several times by the men of Today Inside, the singing ex-crane operator hits back hard. “It’s jesting and disrespectful.”
Lee Towers is regularly the target of ridicule in the television hit Today Inside, but he no longer accepts that. Now he takes the stage to show off fiercely. The pain point? The VI gentlemen regularly joke about his somewhat clumsy performances and his expiration date, and the singer finds that more than lame.
Thumb sucker
It is starting to bother Lee a bit, he says in the weekly magazine Party. “If criticism makes sense, then you have no choice. But when I hear that Van der Gijp talk about me again, he was just making things up, dude.”
What does René van der Gijp say then? “He was talking about our house on Curaçao, that we lived on a campsite there. And that if I change one word in a song lyrics, then I think it’s mine. Or that I have spoken to the mayor and I agree with him, but I have not spoken to him at all.”
“All nonsense!”
René should stop inventing things like this, the singer of You’ll Never Walk Alone roars. “All nonsense! If it’s all factually incorrect what is being said, I can’t stand that. My pants fall off. But otherwise it is not the case that I lose sleep over it, you know.”
The men of VI also laughed at Lee’s performance during King’s Day. “Yes, but yes… Johan Derksen thinks I should just stop. But I’ll figure that out myself, right? It’s all a bit banal and negative. With little respect.”
Ridicule and criticism
Despite the ridicule and criticism Lee has to endure, he remains combative and confident. He refuses to be discouraged by René’s statements and Johan’s suggestions that his time is over.
How long will he continue? “I still have two albums on the shelf, which I don’t know exactly when I want to go release. I wanted to release it when I was 75, but then the pandemic intervened.”
We are now two years further. Just a little while and those songs will already be on their release golden oldies…
René laughs at Lee: