Golf, Ryder Cup 2023 tickets in Rome: on sale only until Sunday

You have to register for a drawing and then hope to be drawn, from next week it will no longer be possible to buy them

Just under a year to go to the Ryder Cup in Rome (from 29 September to 1 October 2023) but the time to buy tickets is running out: it will close on Sunday and from Monday there will be no more opportunity to buy “normal” passes, that is, without hospitality. Subscriptions valid for the whole week were put on sale – at a cost of almost a thousand euros – several months ago and sold out in a few hours, now fans can sign up for a lottery in which to book day tickets and hope to be drawn. : registrations were opened in mid-September and will end this Sunday at midnight. So far every edition of the Ryder Cup has been sold out and this will certainly be the case in Italy. In 2018, in Paris, the last time in Europe, about 270 thousand people entered, next year this record will be beaten because – even if official numbers are not provided – there should be more than 280 thousand attending the Marco Simone during the week, more than 50 thousand a day. So far, requests have been received from more than 130 different countries, in those days Rome will be the world capital of golf. Now that time is running out, here are the things anyone who wants to buy tickets should know:

1) Four tickets

Everyone can buy a maximum of 4 tickets. The organizers suggest that if there is a family or a group of friends who want to go together it is better if each member of the group makes their own different request to increase the chances of being drawn.

2) Availability

The online page specifies the availability of tickets for each day (good, limited or very low). Obviously choosing a day with good availability increases the chance of getting tickets.

3) The trial days

When choosing, you are asked which day you prefer. Obviously Friday, Saturday and Sunday, that is, the three days of competition are the most popular. But choosing Wednesdays and Thursdays, which are reserved for rehearsals, can also be a great idea. The possibilities are higher and even the practice days offer the opportunity to see the players on the pitch, perhaps in a more relaxed and festive atmosphere of the weekend.

4) It’s not too late

As mentioned, it is possible to queue for tickets until Sunday 16 and it is important to know that it is not too late to do so. There is no rule that whoever arrives first takes precedence. Those who signed up at 11pm on Sunday have the same opportunities as those who signed up on the morning of September 12, when the ballot was opened.

Premium tickets

Even if you don’t get drawn for regular tickets, there are still a few premium tickets left with hospitality available. The price is obviously higher (to give the idea: a ticket for Friday in the Pavillon The Garden, located on the fairway of the 9th hole, costs about 600 euros) but the experience is obviously unique.
