From polling station to Kieswijzer: everything about the Provincial Council elections in Zoetermeer

The roads around Zoetermeer, the nearby nature reserves and the theatres; just a few parts that (partly) fall under the responsibility of the province of South Holland. The Provincial Council elections will be held on Wednesday 15 March.

Are you not sure what these elections entail, who you can vote for and where you can cast your vote? Here you can read all the info!

What are the Provincial Council Elections?

The provincial elections are perhaps the least known elections in the Netherlands. Therefore, first a brief explanation about the Provincial Council.

You can compare the provincial elections to the municipal elections of 2022, but at the provincial level. Every province in the Netherlands has its own board. In the Provincial Council elections, you – together with the rest of the South Hollanders – choose the members of the Provincial Council.

Tasks of the province of South Holland

Members of the Provincial Council…

  1. … are the people’s representatives of the province. They determine the policy of the province of South Holland. A hypothetical example: the members decide whether Zoetermeer can build outside the city limits to combat the housing crisis and where in the city a business park can be built.
  2. … choose and control the Provincial Executive. That is the day-to-day administration of the province.
  3. … elect the members of the Senate.

You can read more about the tasks of the Provincial Councilors on the website of the central government.

Polling station in Zoetermeer. Photo: in the neighborhood of Zoetermeer

Where in Zoetermeer can you vote?

You can vote at various places in Zoetermeer. Municipalities are obliged to ensure that polling stations are accessible to everyone, including the disabled.

The polling stations will be open on Wednesday 15 March from 07:30 to 21:00. You can read where you can go in Zoetermeer in the article below.

You can vote in these polling stations in Zoetermeer

  • Municipality, Elections

On Wednesday 15 March we will go to the polling stations in Zoetermeer to cast our votes…

Provincial Elections 2023

Who can you vote for?

Chances are you don’t know exactly who you want to vote for yet. DPG Media made a selection guide to help you. Fill in the selection guide below.

What has the province spent money on in recent years?

It may seem obvious, but all tasks performed by the province cost money. There is a jar for nature maintenance, the cultural sector, and so on.

This is where the money from the province of South Holland went

It differs per province how much money goes to each component. It is striking that the province of South Holland spent the most on ‘traffic’ in 2021. It turned out to be 49 euros per inhabitant of the province. ‘Public transport’ was also high on the agenda; 36 euros per inhabitant was paid for this in 2021. That is exactly the same as for ‘administration/management’.

Mapped: this is how the province of South Holland spends your money

  • News, Elections

Maybe you have an idea what the municipality of Zoetermeer can arrange for you, but do you also know what…

These subjects play a role in South Holland

In South Holland, there are many issues that need to be decided. Think of traffic and transport, the environment, a safe living environment, but also employment, tourism and the reception and accommodation of asylum seekers and labor migrants.

Accessibility and transport

If you fill in the electoral guide, you will come across statements about the accessibility of our province. For example, there are different opinions about investing in public transport at night. Other parties want to spend money on new roads. Rotterdam The Hague Airport is also high on the agenda. According to some parties, the airport should be closed because of the nuisance and CO2 emissions. Others consider the airport to be of great value to the province.

Nitrogen measures

Another topic related to this is the nitrogen measures. After all, should farmers receive extra subsidies to become more sustainable? Or is it better for the province to buy them out and thus reduce nitrogen emissions? New decisions are also being made about additional taxes on motor vehicles.

Read more under the image –>

Farmers’ protest in the Meerpolder. Photo: in the neighborhood of Zoetermeer

Housing construction

Throughout the Netherlands, but especially in South Holland, there is a major shortage of (affordable) homes. Topics on the agenda in our province are the construction of more social rental homes, housing for migrant workers and the permanent occupation of holiday homes. Allowing holiday homes on the coast is also a subject that South Holland has to deal with.

Construction projects

When you think of construction projects you might think of housing, but it is more than that. The province must decide whether to allow new solar fields, build a nuclear power plant, distribution centers and wind turbines. Opinions within parties are divided on this, but also among residents. It is therefore extra important that you cast your vote on March 15th.

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