Fenerbahce 4-1 Kayserispor (MATCH RESULT SUMMARY)

Ziraat Turkish Cup witnessed another exciting match. Fenerbahce hosted Kayserispor in the quarter-final match, which was played with a single-match elimination system in the tournament.

Fenerbahce won the match with a score of 4-1 and made its name to the semi-finals. Fenerbahçe’s goals came from Emre Mor in the 8th and 42nd minutes, Serdar Dursun in the 59th minute and Arda Güler in the 90th minute.

Kayserispor’s only goal was scored by Kolovetsios in the 18th minute. After this match, Fenerbahçe will face Sivasspor in the semi-finals of the tournament.


Fenerbahçe beat Yukatel Kayserispor 4-1 in the quarter-finals of the Ziraat Turkish Cup and advanced to the semi-finals.

Fenerbahce took the lead in the 8th minute. Valencia, who met the ball in the penalty area with Alioski’s pass from the left, dropped the leather ball in front of Emre Mor. He met with the leather round nets in the coming hit of this game: 1-0.

In the 14th minute, the ball that the defense wanted to move away from the corner kick from the right remained in the penalty area. With İsmail Yüksek’s hit, the leather ball, which returned from the defense, remained in front of Rossi. In this player’s kick, the ball went aloft.

Kayserispor equalized the score in the 18th minute. In the corner kick used by passing from the left, Kolovetsios met with the ball in the middle of the penalty area in the middle of Kemen and met with round leather nets in the head kick: 1-1.

In the 36th minute, Serdar Dursun, who met the ball in Valencia’s pass, passed his opponents and went out from the leather round side when he shot from the right diagonal of the penalty area.

Fenerbahçe took the lead in the 42nd minute. Emre Mor, who passed the ball with Serdar Dursun outside the penalty area, entered the penalty area. This player’s shot went to the leather net: 2-1.

Fenerbahce increased the difference to 2 in the 58th minute. In the back pass of Kayserispor’s defense, Serdar Dursun, who passed the goalkeeper Cenk Gönen, blew the nets in the empty round leather goal: 3-1.

In the 62nd minute, Ferdi Kadıoğlu, who met the ball on the left side of the penalty area, faced the goalkeeper of Rossi’s pass and the goalkeeper Cenk went into the corner.

In the 63rd minute, İsmail Yüksek, who met the ball around the penalty spot in the middle of Emre Mor, went to the leather round with the heel kick.

Fenerbahce increased the difference to 3 in the 90th minute. Arda Güler’s shot from the right to the penalty area with Serdar Dursun’s pass met with round leather nets: 4-1.

Fenerbahce left the fight with a 4-1 advantage.

