Fake bank employees rob three elderly people for thousands of euros

Scammers stole thousands of euros from three elderly people at the end of February and the beginning of March. The suspects posed as employees of the bank and thus managed to capture the debit cards of their victims in their 70s and 90s. They then withdraw large amounts of money.

The first victim is from Geldrop and is in his 70s. He was called on Monday, February 27 by someone posing as a bank employee. There would be something wrong with the victim’s account.

The man had to cut his bank card, but leave the ‘yellow vignette’ intact. That is the chip, so that criminals could later withdraw money. A woman then came to collect the cut bank card from the man in Geldrop.

Account looted
That same day, a hooded young man looted the victim’s account. He did that with a Geldmaat in a shop on the Hill in Geldrop. The face of the suspect can be clearly seen on the camera of the ATM.

On March 1 and 2, fake bank employees struck again. This time with two elderly people in their 90s in Eindhoven. The working method was practically the same and the man who then plundered the account with the debit cards turned out to be the same man as the one in Geldrop.

The suspect who looted the account is not alone. He had a woman with him when he paid at an ATM. With the same woman he also went to a CoolBlue store to buy a mobile phone with the debit card of his victims. She is also a suspect and the police are looking for both the woman and the man.
