Emmen local residents are working on a plan for an electric shared car

Suppose you want to do a quick errand. Or you have to go to the center. But you are without transportation. How nice is it that you can get into an electric shared car in your own neighborhood and go on your way? Anja Bijen and Jaap Withaar from Emmen are trying to achieve this in their neighbourhood.

Bijen and Withaar are neighbors and live on the Buitenweg. “Based on the idea of ​​aftercare, we do more jointly.” Think of projects such as the joint construction and maintenance of an indoor garden. Within the neighbourhood, with a view to the future, the idea of ​​the electric shared car was born. “Fossil-free is the future, how can we contribute to that, we thought. “Some have a second car, but use it sporadically. Or have a driver’s license, but no car for financial reasons “

For example, the arrival of one or two shared cars was devised as an alternative by Bijen and Withaar. The idea is a social plan that also contributes to the environment. “This is how we make a nice contribution.”

Support from the municipality of Emmen, Nature and Environment Federation Drenthe and lending point Rensenpark Deelt has now been found. “We have already launched the idea in the neighborhood app. Many immediately asked about the costs, because that is not too bad.” That is why we are also looking at subsidy possibilities.

Bees hopes that the municipality can do something about this. She refers to a pilot in Meppel, where the municipality contributed to a project for a year. In that case, the municipality is also an important partner for installing the associated charging stations.

Finally, there is also the question of where the lending place should be located. The parking lot at Sterrenkamp behind the Rensentheater is mentioned. Another place is also not ruled out, according to Bijen. “It depends on where the most enthusiasm is.”

Now is the time to generate enthusiasm for the plan. A survey has now been launched to get an impression of all wishes. In total, the initiators hope to find at least five people who are serious about continuing with this plan. “The idea is to organize a kick-off or information meeting, hopefully before the summer. The costs for the car, the type of journeys and practical requirements for the car will then be discussed.”

Bees calls it all a good example of community thinking. “So much more is possible when you do it together.”

The survey can be completed until June 1.
