“Education and Technology”, Second Season

What objectives does the realization of the Second Season of “Education and Technology” have in terms of the message to give to society?

The purpose of this Program is to present, from a pedagogical, practical and innovative point of view, the tools that are transforming education in Latin America, together with experts in Digital Education and specialist teachers, who will share experiences and good practices.

The acceleration of the Digital Transformation that has been experienced in these last two years thanks to the Pandemic, has had a concrete impact on our lives, in the way we work, trade, relate, inform ourselves, entertain ourselves, among other things. This confirmed the path that education must follow to generate citizens with the skills and abilities necessary for this historical moment.

Education, Knowledge and the Economy have never been as closely related as they are today.
The Challenges of the Digital Era must represent an opportunity for our countries in Latin America and the key, as always, is through Education. The importance of the development of Intelligences, of virtuality, of the management of algorithms and throughout this process of training children and young people, the fundamental role of the Teachers, who will give them the tools to enhance their abilities and capacities to face to the present.

On what day, time and platforms can the program be seen?

Education and Technology, will be available to the public every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in Argentina. It is proposed as that meeting space, where the debate takes place on how to take better advantage of this moment, together with the great references in this matter in our region.

The great innovations will be present hand in hand with The Digital Class, from Dokuma, from TOMI, from PleiQ, from CHASM, from viewsonic, from THScreen, from TLT, among other companies that create Techno-Educational Solutions that are leading this transformation.

Contact information:
Web: www.educacionytecnologia.com.ar
Instagram: Laclasedigital
Phone: +54911-4300-0057


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