Ecuador at the World Cup: appeals from Chile and Peru rejected

12 days from the start comes the sentence of Tas: the team coached by Alfaro will however have three penalty points in the qualifiers for the 2026 tournament and will have to pay a fine of 100,000 Swiss francs

Ecuador will be at the World Cup, Chile and Peru will not. The Arbitral Tribunal of Sport of Lausanne in fact issued today, 12 days from the start of the tournament in Qatar, the final sentence: Ecuador can participate, but will be penalized by three points in the South American qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup and will have to pay 100 thousand Swiss francs in fines, in addition to legal fees. The reason? A fake document used to obtain the passport of a Colombian-born player, David Castillo Segura.

Chile and Peru

Nothing to do therefore for Chile and Peru, who had appealed against Ecuador asking for their immediate exclusion from the World Cup. The two federations claimed that the player did not have the documents to wear the Ecuador shirt in the qualifiers, but both the Disciplinary and the Fifa Appeals Commission had considered that he was “to be considered holder of permanent Ecuadorian citizenship” according to the provisions of the regulation. Tas actually acknowledged that the player had the right to be deployed because there was the ok of the local authorities, but held the Ecuadorian Federation responsible for the use of documentation with false information, in reference to place and date of birth of the player. Ecuador is included in Group A of the 2022 World Cup with Qatar, Senegal and the Netherlands.
