Drenthe wants more culture money: ‘There has to be butter with the fish’

Because during the previous application, Drenthe got off without a hitch. At that time money was awarded to 115 BIS places for cultural organizations in the Netherlands. Of which 1 place for Drenthe. At that time, the Drents Museum was the only institution in Drenthe to be admitted to the basic cultural infrastructure.

Should the distribution therefore no longer be based on regional distribution? Baele indicates that this has already happened: “But the first criterion is artistic content. We think that is the entry level.” In addition, other points are also considered. “Regional spread is one of them, but also inclusion, participation, talent development, cultural education. And there, in the one and a half day that I was here, I saw quite valuable things.” But the trend remains; show this to the outside world as well.
