‘Do you take in refugees yourself?’

Katja Schuurman urges Raven van Dorst to take in refugees on his farm, but doesn’t do it herself. “Yeah, I’m just really hypocritical,” admits the 47-year-old actress.


Raven van Dorst’s TV farm is quite large and includes a large piece of land. Katja Schuurman looked out yesterday in the episode of Farm Van Dorst, which attracted almost a million viewers to NPO 3. “Really a lot of land, huh? You can actually accommodate a lot of people here,” said the actress.

Mirror for Katja

Raven curious: “What kind of people would you like to take in, Katja?”

Katja: “Well, also from Afghanistan or Syria or Yemen, for example.”

Then Douwe Bob holds up a mirror to her: “How many do you actually have at home, Katja?”

Katja prefers not to answer that: “Hmm?”

Douwe: “How many do you actually have at home, Katja? How many refugees do you have at home?”

Katja: “Hm, I can’t hear what you’re saying.”

patch of ground

Katja also lives on a farm with a large piece of land. Raven: “Katja, don’t you have a nice piece of land there too?”

Katja then admits: “That’s right, a piece of cloth. I live in Uitdam.”

Raven: “Don’t you have the idea: I’m going to receive people from Syria or Yemen here?”

Katja: “Yes, I certainly have that idea and I also think it’s very stupid of myself that I don’t. I don’t do it because I’m too fond of my privacy anyway.”

Raven: “Yes, privacy is a great asset.”

Living together

Katja herself therefore has no desire for refugees, while she does encourage others to receive them. “Yes, would you always want to live with people all the time? Continual? I love to be able to walk naked when the weather is nice, that I’m nice and free. I would find it difficult anyway.”

Then Katja realizes that she doesn’t really look good on it: “I don’t know why I ended up on this. Can we please…”

Raven: “Well, you say I have to take people here!”


Katja: “Yes, that’s what I suddenly thought.”

Raven: “You are proposing that, while you are Katja Schuurman from Return to Sender.”

Katja: “Yeah, I’m just really hypocritical.”
