“December 2001”: the debacle of national politics reaches streaming

This Wednesday opens “December 2001”the six-episode miniseries that narrates the debacle of the government of Fernando De la Rua, the “corralito”, the manifestations of the “everyone leaves” and the sequences of tragic events of December 19 and 20 of 2001. In a year of presidential elections and within a volatile economic and social situation, the bet of a content that recalls the most explosive years of national politics is at least a suggestive coincidence that is worth remembering.

based on the book “The Palace and the Street” by Miguel Bonasso, the production that will premiere on Star plus and will carry out within the realm of fiction the sequences of events that resulted in the fall of the Alliance and the arrival of Eduardo Duahalde to the government. Directed by Benjamin Avila and written by Mario Segadethe series will feature the participation of Jean Pierre Noher like the president Fernando De la Rua, Luis Machin as the finance minister domingo horse, Cesar Troncoso like the former Peronist governor eduardo duhalde and Manuel Callau like the former president Raul Alfonsin.

“For me it is very important that the under-30s see this series, that parents see it with their children, because today people continue to hear about dollarization. I hope it impacts, that it is controversial. Hopefully there will be a lot of talk. The controversy does not bother me at all. It seems good and necessary to talk about it,” Noher declared in a report for the TELAM agency and added: “It’s very crazy, because in reality we didn’t know when it was going to premiere and for two or three months political programs have been He is talking about “December 2001”. Somehow I think that the series comes at a right time in that regard and it would be good for it to have an impact and reflect on it to understand that at the time of the vote we should not repeat certain things, it seems essential to me ”.

December 2001

In addition to the actor who played William Coppola in the series “Maradona, blessed dream”, complete the cast of fiction: Alejandra Flechner as “Chiche” Duhalde, Fernan Miras as “Chacho” Alvarez, Luis Luque as Chrystian Colombo, Ludovico DiSanto as Antonio de la Rua and vando villamil as Carlos Ruckauf. A tandem of consecrated interpreters who demand, from the director of “Clandestine Childhood”, to be accompanied from the level of the setting and in the realization.

December 2001

On the other hand, the story proposes to the viewer the perspective of the government adviser Javier Cachea fictional character personified by Diego Cremonesi, who walks the corridors of the Casa Rosada and is the only one from the radical government who still seems to understand the discontent that is cooking on the asphalt. In this context, the sextet of chapters is submerged, with an estimated duration of 40 minutes, produced by Kapow.

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