Cor Timmerman from Hoogeveen wins Drentse knowledge quiz LOOS

Cor Timmerman from Hoogeveen has won the LOOS knowledge quiz in Drenthe and can now call himself the ‘latest Drent of 2022’. In an exciting final, the 53-year-old Hoogevener scored the most points and left his two fellow finalists behind.

The three finalists were evenly matched during the first two rounds. But after the infamous third round, in which the candidates had to put words with magnetic letters blindfolded, the curtain fell for Femmy Auwema from Klijndijk.

Frens Slagter from Assen managed to make it quite difficult for Timmerman in the final round. Both Slagter and Hoogevener got three questions right in this round, so presenter Aaldert Oosterhuis posed an approach question. The length of the TT circuit in Assen ultimately gave Timmerman the win.

In addition to a beautiful glass trophy, Timmerman won a tablet and he can call himself the ‘latest Drent’ for a year. “Great! My wife has given me up, so I dare to come home with this”, said the Hoogevener, who is very active in his hometown for football association HZVV and can also call himself an honorary member of the club. In addition, Timmerman has the same profession as his name and he is also a hobby farmer.

LOOS, the knowledge quiz about the Drenthe regional language, topography, history and current affairs, is a collaborative project of RTV Drenthe and the Huus van de Taol.
