Artificial intelligence’s vision of a “Finnish Christmas” didn’t quite work out – I hope you don’t do it this way

Artificial intelligence is capable of creating very believable images, the true nature of which may not be revealed without careful explanation. We even found security risks in the details of artificial intelligence images depicting Finnish Christmas.

We asked the AI-based Midjourney image generator for eight images of Finnish Christmas. Not all details passed a more critical examination. Midjourney

Iltalehti gave the artificial intelligence-based image generation model built by the Midjourney company the task of creating images of a traditional Finnish family Christmas.

Although the images created by Midjourney have mostly captured the atmosphere of the Nordic Christmas imagery, a closer look at the images reveals strange and even dangerous-looking details.

However, few would question the authenticity of even these pictures without a closer examination, if they came across, for example, on the pages of a magazine in connection with an advertisement related to Christmas.

The images below are truly excellent examples of how good image generators have become in a relatively short time. For example, the open beta version of Midjourney has only been available since summer 2022.

See the pictures with explanations below.

How many Christmas tables will be dressed like this in 2023? Perhaps Midjourney interpreted the “traditional family Christmas” commandment too literally. Midjourney

The girl in the picture seems to be missing fingers. Midjourney

The hands of the girl in the green shirt seem really special. Among other things, because there seem to be three of them. Midjourney

At first glance, this picture seems very ordinary. Then attention is drawn to the face of the girl sitting at the end of the table. Also, the boy sitting on the right seems to have a candle on his plate. Midjourney

A wonderfully atmospheric description of a Finnish Christmas with a tree standing on the fireplace and everything. Midjourney

You don’t have to be a fire safety expert to understand that you shouldn’t burn candles on top of a blanket. Midjourney

We could not find any more alarming errors in this picture. Can you find it? Midjourney

Even this picture could be perfect, even though it has artificial intelligence. Midjourney
