‘Are candidates sometimes bullied and beaten?’ | show

expedition jansenWho wins which test, is the most hungry or has the meanest plans to vote others out? Reporter Dennis Jansen looks in the section Expedition Jansen weekly back on Expedition Robinson.

If there is one kind of hunger, it is the hunger for clarity. The series in Croatia had confused us viewers last year with all kinds of islands (Afvallerseiland, Tweede Kanseiland, Camp North, Camp South and Winners Island) and extra chances: each time a candidate was allowed to stay. To drive you crazy. For a moment I feared the same for this year. The makers have created the Plunder and the Vrijbrief this year. With the Plunder you steal a vote or immunity coin from someone else during the Island Council. That could be nice. With the Vrijbrief you have the chance not to go home permanently, but to join another team. Thank goodness that team has to determine if you qualify. We will see.

You could see Marion Pauw’s exit coming from miles away. If not today, then next week. She whined and whined and whined. Was ‘not comfortable in her own skin’. Had ‘no connection’. Felt ‘not seen at all’. As far as the latter is concerned, I think it was just the opposite: the thriller writer was seen (cooking proved unsuccessful) and heard (‘Do you want banana tea?’). Unfortunately for her, not in a way that the group really appreciated. Still, I already miss this anti-hero: Marion was a candidate who immediately started playing the game. I love that. And then stuff your backpack full of food (a pineapple, cassava and bananas) if you think you have to go to Afvallerseiland, beautiful!

Marion Peacock © RTL

A bit complacent on the part of the makers: the puzzle of 15 (lay down 3 numbers horizontally, diagonally and vertically and arrive at 15). You can just learn it by heart. Ferry Weertman had done that and he immediately put the blocks down properly. What you can also remember (Ferry and the rest!): that it is a puzzle. Pronounce: pùzzel and not: púzel! There was also heartache among the candidates: Kirsten, Vincent and Dzifa, they were already in tears after two days. I wondered: were they bullied (perhaps outside the cameras)? Robbed? Beaten maybe? Nope: one had not slept well, the other lost a test. That promises something for the near future.

Kirsten Westrik and Susan Radder

Kirsten Westrik and Susan Radder © RTL 4
