‘André Hazes jr. can lose his teeth’

Yvonne Coldeweijer finds it bizarre that André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg promote his use of the banned and addictive substance snus in this way. “Teeth can rot.”


It is now more than two years ago that André Hazes jr. was caught by the TV program EenVandaag using snus, highly addictive nicotine bags that you put under your upper lip. He still appears to be addicted to it. In fact, his forgiving sweetheart Monique Westenberg is even glorifying it.

Addicted Andre

Monique posted a video in her Instagram last weekendstories in which she explicitly portrays how André takes such a snus bag and puts it against his gums. And to think that both have a huge following, including impressionable young people who can therefore think that this is apparently normal.

Reprehensible, Yvonne Coldeweijer thinks. She writes on her today juice channel: “André is still addicted to snus. Why specifically film and post this? Snuff is very addictive.”

Junkie Hazes

Yvonne thinks you shouldn’t bother other people with this. “Snus is even forbidden, so if André wants to continue junking that’s totally fine, but maybe Monique at least doesn’t want to promote it anymore by posting it. Young people are watching.”

Monique is simply finished, says the juice queen. “The government is running a whole campaign against it and Monique is happy to post this on Instagram. She’s still one enabler.”

‘Gorst stuff ever’

A spy of Yvonne clarifies that this is really very harmful. “One snus is about ten cigarettes. By placing it directly against the gums, it is quickly absorbed into the blood. Blood vessels lie close to the surface there. Worst stuff ever.”

Yvonne herself wonders what André will look like in a while. “Snus can also lead to extreme gingivitis, tooth loss and mucosal lesions.”

‘Everything for the villa’

Yvonne is annoyed with Monique:
