Agricultural land achieves record price in West Flanders

Agricultural land achieves record price in West Flanders

It is gradually becoming impossible for young agricultural entrepreneurs to expand. In our province, arable land is so sought after that wealthy groups also start speculating on that market. Overall, the market is cooling down throughout Flanders and prices are rising less quickly. Hendrik Vandamme, builder and chairman of ABS: West-Vaanderen indeed appears to be an exception to the rule. We see that the average price for agricultural land in West Flanders has again increased by 7.5 percent, to an average of 77,000 euros. This has of course to do with the fact that West Flanders is the pre-eminent agricultural province. There are still a lot of young people here who are still eager to start in the sector.”

But tapping ground has become difficult. Governments are also buying up land. And there is also speculation from investment groups. According to the Green Circle, the government should play a more guiding role in curbing speculation and supporting young farmers. They would also welcome a reduction in registration fees for farmers.
