Accident in Girona | Four minors injured by an explosion in a farmhouse in Girona


On at 22:09


One of the minors is in serious condition and has been transferred to the Vall d’Hebron Hospital, and the other three are in less serious condition

Four minors who were from colonies have been injured, one serious and three less seriousin a deflagration caused by a mixture of chemical products that occurred this afternoon in a farmhouse in Brunyola (Girona), according to data provided by the different emergency services.

The Generalitat Firefighters have received at 7:33 p.m. this afternoon the alert of the accident that has occurred in a farmhouse where a group of children are in colonies when, for reasons still unknown, different chemical products have been mixed.

Members of the Mossos d’Equadra and the Emergency Medical System (SEM) have also traveled to the site, activating two medicalized helicopters and five ground units.

Three minors have been transferred to the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, ​​one serious and two less serious, and the fourth injured, less serious, has been transferred to the Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona.

The Firefighters have moved to the scene of the accident four endowments and in addition to caring for the wounded and providing support to the health services They have reviewed the place to ensure that there was no more danger.
