Arsenal FC shows nerves: Only 2: 2 at West Ham United | premier league

Quote from Mr Simpson

Quote from Eng_Fussball

Quote from Friemersheimer

Quote from Eng_Fussball

Wait! Arsenal play Southampton on Friday. Since they can increase the lead over ManCity.

City have a catch-up game, if they win they are only 1 point ahead of Arsenal, then they go head-to-head, if City wins they are 2 points ahead of Arsenal. Arsenal are far from through and City are in incredible shape. I’m sure City will be champions in the end

Then you can also tell me the lottery numbers. Anyway, it’s good that nobody in the PL has a subscription to the championship title.

4 championship titles in 6 years are at least a small subscription. Especially when you look at the number of points the championships were brought in with.

Looking at the points totals, City were once very, very far ahead of Liverpool (19 points) and once very far ahead of United (12 points) as champions. On the other hand, they were once 18 points behind Liverpool in second place and twice won the championship by a full point in each case (of course with high scores, but the second also had them).
Of course you can say that City was the strongest team in the league at the time and clearly won the most, but I wouldn’t really want to use the word subscription, not even a small one. Because it wasn’t clear from the start when more than one team was performing at such a level. And this season so far it’s at least similar.

I assume precisely because people remember these 2 championships with a one-point advantage at the end and the great pressure situation always having to score points, many people are saying that City will now get the thing too. And that is understandable up to a certain point, because as a team they have gained experience with such a situation and passed it. Arsenal just haven’t had that experience in ages.
Just like Arsenal had a bigger lead a few weeks ago and City now has things back in their own hands (like Arsenal still have a direct duel there).

Arsenal have had a great season so far and are still 4 points ahead. Arsenal will, I strongly suspect, also win against Southampton (at the latest since they have already lost 20 games this season) and then probably have a 7-point lead in 2 games more (City is playing FA Cup this weekend). And City has to win the 2 games first. Of course they can, but they still have to do it first. And when Arsenal play at City, they have to win first.
I don’t really see that anything is over at the moment.
