8 years in prison and TBS with coercion for stabbing a teenager to death in Hoogkerk | Inland

J. also tried to stab a prison employee with a broken antenna six days after his arrest. According to the judge, this was “deliberately” and it concerns an attempted murder. J. was also convicted on Monday for a series of vandalism in the spring of 2021.

The Public Prosecution Service had demanded a prison sentence of ten years in addition to the TBS. According to the Public Prosecution Service, Bart J. (24) acted with premeditation at the supermarket and there was talk of murder. The court sees insufficient evidence for this. J. has confessed. He said he acted in a psychosis. The teenager would have been a random victim. He had stolen the knife to cut sausage, according to J. He became homeless in early 2021, slept in a tent in the Stadspark of Groningen and used strong drink and drugs.

On Sunday, June 6, Dinant Paré was knocked to the ground just before 3 p.m. and stabbed several times with a twenty-centimeter knife. J. had stolen the knife from the supermarket just before. The theft may have had multiple reasons, the judge said, and is insufficient evidence for a murder plan. For example, J. had an obsession with knives.

Camera images from the supermarket show that J. removes the knife from the packaging and stabs Paré nineteen seconds later. In that short time, J. was unable to think sufficiently about his act. J.’s psychological problems play a role in this, according to the judge. According to psychiatrists, he is severely impaired.

The experts have not been able to determine whether J. suffers from psychoses. They did, however, identify an autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and cannabis addiction. The chance of recurrence is high, they say. For safety reasons, J. was handcuffed in front of the judge during the hearings.

More than thirty aid agencies have tried to help J. without success. At the age of seventeen he ended up in closed youth care. His divorced parents brought him to the park to eat regularly.
