112 news: Car and scooter collision • Dog grave in nature reserve

At the intersection of the Laverdonk with the Kanaaldijk-Noord in Heeswijk-Dinther, a car went up in flames last night. The fire brigade was called around a quarter to one at night. When he arrived, the car was already ablaze. Firefighters quickly had the fire under control, but almost nothing was left of the car.

As the car burned down, the owner of the car was nowhere to be seen. Remarkable, since the car was in the middle of the road. Only when the police called the owner did he come to the Kanaaldijk-Noord. He said he didn’t know who was driving the car. He said the keys were in the car. “The police are investigating the special story of the owner, but think it is his own,” says a 112 correspondent. The burnt-out car was taken away by a salvage company.
